Genus Phlyctaenopora Topsent, 1904

Phlyctaenopora Topsent, 1904: 199.

Barbozia Dendy, 1922: 131.

Type species. P. bitorquis Topsent, 1904: 199; pl. 2, fig. 4c (by monotypy).

Diagnosis. Massive, hemispherical, crustose, smooth with erect fistules; confused, compact choanosomal skeleton of ill-defined tracts of strongyles or oxeas; ectosomal skeleton a crust of oxeas and/or styles; microscleres include palmate anisochelae which may be basally spurred, sigmas, large plesiaster-like microxeas, and spined, amphiaster-like rhabds, the latter three may be absent (modified from Van Soest & Hajdu 2002).