Vibilia longipes Bovallius

Vibilia longipes Bovallius, 1887a: 8. — Bovallius 1887c: 60–61, pl. 8, figs 26–32. Vosseler 1901: 123. Walker 1909: 50 (list). Behning 1913b: 216. Stewart 1913: 250.

Type material

Type material could not be located at the SMNH or ZMUC and is presumed lost. No precise type locality is given by Bovallius (1887a, c). He merely lists the distribution as “Pacific, South Atlantic ”.


This species is very similar to V. antarctica and, but for the shape of antennae 1, would have been included in the synonymy of that species. Bovallius’s (1887c) illustration may be inaccurate in this regard, but without being able to examine the type one cannot be certain.