This data set contains all data used and generated in the study Growing Urban Bicycle Networks. The data contain, for 62 cities: original data of bicycle and street networks acquired from OpenStreetMap using OSMnx, processed simplified and merged data of these networks and snapped points of interests of rail and metro stations and grids, results and metrics of simulated synthetic bicycle networks, plots of results, plots of existing and synthetic networks, videos of simulated growing synthetic bicycle networks. Preprint: Code: CONTENT data - nodes and edges of transport networks, both original and simplified using osmnx.simplify_graph, for: streets (carall), speed-limited streets (car30), protected bicycle tracks (biketrack), bikeable infrastructure (bikeable) - points of interest (poi: grid and rail) snapped to the networks results - metrics and covered geometries of existing infrastructure (existing) - metrics and covered geometries of synthetic infrastructure and their minimum spanning trees (mst) for all different growth processes and POI types results_constricted - metrics and betweenness values for the car networks that were constricted by the synthetic bicycle network growth plots - result plots for individual cities for all different growth processes and POI types - eps files of plots used in the paper plotsnetworks - plots of all existing networks and synthetic networks of minimum spanning trees (mst) and final stages of growth. For each final stage 3 versions: abstract greedy triangulation (GTabstract), routed greedy triangulation (GTall), routed greedy triangulation with geometric 500m covers (GTallcover) videos - videos in format webm and mp4 of synthetic networks for all different growth processes and POI types. For each growth 3 versions: abstract greedy triangulation (GTabstract), routed greedy triangulation (GTall), routed greedy triangulation with geometric 500m covers (GTallcover)