Munidopsis aries (A. Milne-Edwards, 1880)

Orophorhynchus aries A. Milne-Edwards, 1880: 58.

Munidopsis aries.— Gore, 1983: 203, fig. 2 (synonymy and references).— Macpherson & Segonzac, 2005: 15, fig. 3.

Material examined. Reunion Island, MD32, Stn 19, 3180– 3480 m: 1 F 69.1 mm (MNHN-Ga5503).

Remarks. The specimen agrees quite well with the material from the Atlantic Ocean (Macpherson & Segonzac 2005). The species, as the with the closest relative M. albatrossae Pequegnat & Pequegnat, 1973, from the eastern Pacific, has a denticulate carina on the distolateral margin of the fixed finger of P1 (incorrectly stated as absent in Macpherson & Segonzac 2005).

Distribution. This species was previously known from the Atlantic Ocean: Bequia (Caribbean Sea) at 2912 m (A. Milne-Edwards 1880), Azores Islands, (as M. sundi, Sivertsen & Holthuis 1956), Middle Atlantic Bight (Wenner 1982), Colombia and Venezuela Basins and Gulf of Mexico (Pequegnat & Pequegnat 1971, Gore 1983), between 2615 and 4095 m, and Iberian Abyssal Plain, Mauritania, Angola and South Africa, between 3130 and 5320 m (Macpherson & Segonzac 2005). The present material extends the distribution to the southwest Indian Ocean.