P. pygmaeus (Wankel, 1860)

Dicyrtoma pygmaea Wankel, 1860: 203

Sminthurinus binoculatus Börner, 1901a: 343

AK Weber 1950 as binnoculatus; Christiansen & Bellinger 1981, 1998; Danks 1981 as binoculatus; Skidmore 1995

NT Hammer 1953 as binoculatus

AB Skidmore 1995; Lindo 2014

ON Skidmore 1995

NS Calder & Bleakney 1965, 1967; Christiansen & Bellinger 1981, 1998; Skidmore 1995

Remarks: Babenko & Fjellberg (2006) considered all Alaskan records of this species as well as that of Hammer for Yellow Knife as belonging to P. principalis.

General distribution: Holarctic.