I. plumosus Bagnall, 1940

Isotomurus plumosus Bagnall, 1940: 101

MB Porco et al. 2014

Remarks: The presence of this species in the Nearctic needs confirmation. It was originally described from Europe (Great Britain) and the majority of its records are from that region (Potapov 2001). Asiatic specimens (from Severnaya Zemlya and Chukotka) mentioned by Potapov (2001) and Babenko & Fjellberg (2006) obviously belong to a different, recently described species, viz. I. chaos Potapov & Babenko, 2011, having a similar general appearance. The occurrence of I. chaos or closely related forms in the Nearctic appears to be more probable than true European I. plumosus. Porco et al. 2014 detected two cryptic genetic units (L1 and L2) within this morphological form, and so several species are probably involved.

General distribution: uncertain.