D. multisetis (Carpenter & Phillips, 1922)

Isotoma multisetis Carpenter & Phillips, 1922: 16

AK Potapov 2001; Babenko & Fjellberg 2006

NU Fjellberg 1986, 1994; Babenko 1993; Potapov 2001; Babenko & Fjellberg 2006

BC Battigelli & Marshall 1993; Rusek & Marshall 1995; Skidmore 1995; Cannings 2010

L Christiansen & Bellinger 1980, 1998

Remarks: This species was originally described from Bjørnøya Island in the western part of the Barents Sea and never recorded there subsequently. The recent morphological data are based on specimens collected in Greenland (Fjellberg 2007) or northern regions of America (Potapov 2001), and may not be consistent with the original materials. In any case, D. multisetis auct. is a complex of mostly Asian-American species united by the presence of densely serrated macrosetae and a tridentate mucro.

General distribution: Greenland, Nearctic and Eastern Palaearctic.