T. arctica Cassagnau, 1959

Tetracanthella arctica Cassagnau, 1959: 234

AK Bohnsack 1968; Challet & Bohnsack 1968; MacLean et al. 1977, 1978, cf.; Christiansen & Bellinger 1980, 1998; Danks 1981; Toda & Tanno 1983; Skidmore 1995

NT Toda & Tanno 1983; Skidmore 1995

NU Cassagnau 1959; Fjellberg 1986, 1994; Potapov 2001; Babenko & Fjellberg 2006

NS Christiansen & Bellinger 1980, 1998; Skidmore 1995

Remarks: The majority of the above Nearctic records probably belong to T. sibirica (Christiansen & Bellinger 1998; see also remarks to T. sibirica). Potapov (2001) also wrote “having large amounts at material from the Arctic, we did not find this species [true arctica] anywhere but from Ellesmere Land”. On the other hand, “the taxon sibirica as defined by Potapov (2001) … is not sharply set off from arctica Cassagnau, 1959 ” (Fjellberg 2015, p. 64). It is therefore still an open question which of the species (T. sibirica, T. arctica, or both) occur in the northern Nearctic.

General distribution: uncertain.