Elcaribe guanaensis Webb spec. nov.

(Figs. 225, 239, 253, 267, 281, 295, 309, 323, 337, 349, 358)


Ensis (Latin) = a suffix denoting place, locality, country. This species is named for Guana Island from where the majority of specimens of this species were collected and is used as a noun in apposition.


Elcaribe guanaensis is taxonomically associated with E. bahamaensis, E. elongatus, E. glabrus, E. laticornis, E. obscurus, and E. scarbroughi in having an anterodorsal patch of dark, short setae on the gena. Elcaribe guanaensis differs from E. bahamaensis, E. elongatus, E. glabrus, E. laticornis, E. obscurus, and E. scarbroughi in having anteroventral and posteroventral macrosetae on the midfemur.

Description of holotype male (MEI 048133)

Body length 4.7 mm.

Head. Length 0.68 mm. Ommatidia smaller ventrally and laterally. Frons pruinescence gray; setae dark reddish brown, elongate. Antenna/head length 0.69; black, pruinescence on scape gray; scape length 0.16 mm, width 0.12 mm, length/width 1.3, scape/pedicel length 2.3, scape/flagellum width 1.0, setae reddish brown dorsally, dark yellow ventrally; pedicel length 0.07 mm, length/width 0.7; first flagellomere oval, attenuate apically, flagellum length 0.24 mm, width 0.12 mm, length/width 2.0, flagellum/ scape length 1.5. Parafacial pruinescence blackish gray. Maxillary palpus dark yellow; length 0.32 mm, length/width 8.0; setae white. Genal setae white. Occipital setae white becoming pale whitish yellow, appressed lanceolate dorsally.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Mesonotum pruinescence dull gray; setae black, elongate intermixed with white, lanceolate, subappressed setae. Pleuron pruinescence gray; setae white on anepisternum, katepisternum, laterotergite, metanepisternum, and scutellum. Wing. Membrane pale brownish gray; veins pale brown; length 3.5 mm, length/width 2.9; pterostigma indistinct; cell m 3 closed, petiolate. Halter knob pale yellow, stalk dark brown. Legs. Femora dark brown, pruinescence white; ventral setae white on forefemur; av 3:1:5, pv 2:2:2. Tibiae dark yellow, apex dark reddish brown. Tarsomeres 1–2 dark yellow, apex dark reddish brown; 3–5 dark reddish brown.

Abdomen. Dark reddish brown, pruinescence white; dorsal setae white, lanceolate, appressed; lateral setae white elongate. Terminalia (MEI 037178) pale dark reddish brown. Tergite 8 and epandrium (Fig. 225), setae pale yellow. Sternite 8 (Fig. 239), sides converging posteriorly, posterior margin emarginate. Hypoproct (Fig. 225) quadrate, posterior margin emarginate; apicoventral surface flat. Gonocoxite ventral view (Fig. 239), basomedial lobe rounded, posterior two­thirds tapered to narrow apex, setae pale yellow (occasionally with several dark reddish brown macrosetae medially and apically) with anterior patch of short, dark yellow setae; dorsal view (Fig. 253) gonocoxal bridge moderately large; lateral view (Fig. 267) oblong, tapered evenly toward apex; ventral lobe (Fig. 239) lacking spines. Gonostylus (Fig. 281), basodorsal lobe absent; ventral margin curved, expanded apically with dark yellow apical macrosetae, not extended apically in distinct tuft; fine, short spines over apical area. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme (Fig. 295) quadrate, sides sinuate; ventral apodeme (Fig. 309) large, broadened anteriorly; distiphallus dorsal view (Fig. 295) broad basally, tapered to rounded point; lateral view (Fig. 323) narrow basally, curving ventrally at 90° angle; ejaculatory apodeme (Fig. 295) slightly expanded anteriorly, not extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme, anterior margin truncate, in cross­section flattened dorsoventrally.

Variation (n=10). Body length 4.3–5.2, 4.7 mm. Thorax. Macrosetae 2–3 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Legs. Anteroventral macrosetae 3–6:1–3:4–7, pv 1–3:1–2:2–3.


Similar to male except for following.

Variation (n=8).

Body length 4.2–5.0, 4.5 mm.

Head. Frons pruinescence pale brownish gray; setae dark reddish brown, elongate. Antenna dark brown, base of first flagellomere yellow, pruinescence on scape gray; setae on scape dark reddish brown, grading into macrosetae.

Thorax. Macrosetae 3 np, 2 sa, 1 pa, 2 dc, 2 sc. Legs. Anteroventral macrosetae 1–5:1–5:4–8, pv 1–2:1–2:1–2.

Abdomen. Black, glossy, pruinescence gray on posterior margin of tergites 1–7, becoming wider on posterior tergites; setae black, appressed with white, elongate setae laterally on tergite 1 and across posterior margin of tergites 1–3. Terminalia (MEI 037198). Anterior margin of sternite 8 (Fig. 337) with large medial projection. Furca (Fig. 349) triangular, posterior margin pointed; length 0.36mm, width 0.26 mm; posteromedial projection absent, anterolateral and anteromedial projections short. Common duct (Fig. 349) shorter than furca. Spermathecal duct (Fig. 349) sac­like posteriorly then becoming thread­like.


Elcaribe guanaensis has been collected in the British Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands (Fig. 358).

Habitats and phenology

Adults of Elcaribe guanaensis have been handnetted and collected at blacklights in a Coccoloba forest and on a beach. Specimens have been collected from 24 March to 23 July.

Specimens examined

Type specimen. The holotype male of Elcaribe guanaensis Webb (MEI 048109) is labeled "BRIT. VIRGIN ISL. Guana Island, 0–80m, 6–23 July 1985, S. E. & P. M. Miller " and is deposited in the USNM. PARATYPES. BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS. ANEGADA ISLAND. Setting Point [18.717, ­64.383], 0 m, 17–19.VII.1985, S. Miller, P. Miller, 1♂ ME I 037183 (USNM), blacklight. GUANA ISLAND. North Bay [18.483, ­64.567], 0–80 m, 5–23.VII.1985, S. E. Miller, P. M. Miller, 14♂ MEI 037166 (BMNH), 037171 (CNC), 037182 (FSCA), 037185 (INHS), 037188 (MEIC), 037173–9, 037190, 109133 (USNM), 5♀ 037191 (BMNH), 037194 (CNC), 037195 (FSCA), 037196 (INHS), 037197 (USNM), blacklight; 15–23.VII.1985, 14♂ MEI 037167–70, 048109–12, 048114, 048116, 048119–22 (USNM), 1♀ 037198 (MEIC), blacklight 1–14.VII.1984, 3♂ MEI 048188–9, 048201, 2♀ 048187, 048190 (USNM); 18–19.VII.1988, S. E. Miller, C. O’Connell, 1♂ MEI 106344 (BPBM). PUERTO RICO. Guánica Insular Forest, 6.VII.1953, J. R. Ramos, J. Maldonado, 1♂ MEI 040245 (USNM); 6.VI.1953, J. A. Ramos, J. Maldonado, 1♂ MEI 040259 (USNM); Route 334, 26–29.VII.1969, H. & A. Howden, 2♀ MEI 039717–8 (CNC); Lajas [18,052, ­67.060], 6.VII.1952, J. A. Ramos, J. Maldonado, 1♀ MEI 040246 (USNM); Salinas [17.9833, ­66.3000], 16l. VII.1945, 1♀, MEI 039714 (CNC); Guanica Bosque, Estatal de Guanica, 3.6 km E Guanica [17.8669, ­66.8744], 1000m, 12.VI1996, J. Rawlins, R. Davidson, C. Young, S. Thompson, 3♂ CMNH 65204–6, 3♀ 65203–3, 65207 (CMNH). UNITED STATES VIRGIN ISLANDS. SABA ISLAND. St. Thomas County, 3.2 km S Saint Thomas [18.331, ­64.93], 24.III.1979, M. A. Ivie, L. L. Ivie, 1♂ MEI 040863 (OSU). St. Croix. Sandy Point [17.68933, ­64.90], 6.II.1969, H. E. Evans, 5♂ MEI 077648–52 (MCZ); 14.II.1996, W. E. Steiner, M. Evans, M., J. Swearingen, 2♀ MEI 115592–3 (USNM), blacklight on beach; East Point, 10.XI.1967, W. H. Pierce, 5♂ MEI 040208–10, 040212–3 (FSCA).