Weather prediction dataset Dataset created for machine learning and deep learning training and teaching purposes. Can for instance be used for classification, regression, and forecasting tasks. Complex enough to demonstrate realistic issues such as overfitting and unbalanced data, while still remaining intuitively accessible. ORIGINAL DATA TAKEN FROM: EUROPEAN CLIMATE ASSESSMENT & DATASET (ECA&D), file created on 22-04-2021 THESE DATA CAN BE USED FREELY PROVIDED THAT THE FOLLOWING SOURCE IS ACKNOWLEDGED: Klein Tank, A.M.G. and Coauthors, 2002. Daily dataset of 20th-century surface air temperature and precipitation series for the European Climate Assessment. Int. J. of Climatol., 22, 1441-1453. Data and metadata available at ----------- Data collection selection and processing ---------- The initial meteorological data was retrieved from ECA&D [1] a project that makes available daily observations at meteorological stations throughout Europe and the Mediterranean. 18 different European cities or places were selected of which multiple daily observations were available through the years 2000 to 2010. Those where Basel (Switzerland), Budapest (Hungary), Dresden, Düsseldorf, Kassel, München (all Germany), De Bilt and Maastricht (the Netherlands), Heathrow (UK), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Malmo and Stockholm (Sweden), Montélimar, Perpignan and Tours (France), Oslo (Norway), Roma (Italy), and Sonnblick (Austria). Recordings of daily meteorological observations for these 18 locations span different times, some contain collections that go back to the 19th century. Here, however, we only selected the time span from 2000 to 2010 resulting in 3654 daily observations. The dataset is then constructed from all data of those 18 locations. The data in addition consists of different observations. While all selected locations provide data for the variables ‘mean temperature’, ‘max temperature’, and ‘min temperature’, we also included data for the variables 'cloud_cover', 'wind_speed', 'wind_gust', 'humidity', 'pressure', 'global_radiation', 'precipitation', 'sunshine' wherever those were available. After collecting the data, very basic cleaning of the data was performed. Columns with > 5% invalid entries (“-9999”) were removed, columns with <= 5% invalid entries where kept but invalid entries were replaced by mean values. This resulted in 165 variables (or features) over the course of 3654 days. Finally, we transformed several data units to achieve more similar ranges of the present values. This makes the data more suitable to be used for machine learning or deep learning even without additional processing. We deliberately did not chose to fully standardize the data because we wanted to keep the presented units and values as intuitively accessible as possible. Temperature are now given in degree Celsius, wind speed and gust in m/s, humidity in fraction of 100%, sea level pressure in 1000 hPa, global radiation in 100 W/m2, precipitation amounts in centimeter, sunshine in hours. ----------- Physical units of the variables: ---------- ORIGINAL DATA UNITS: CC : cloud cover in oktas DD : wind direction in degrees FG : wind speed in 0.1 m/s FX : wind gust in 0.1 m/s HU : humidity in 1 % PP : sea level pressure in 0.1 hPa QQ : global radiation in W/m2 RR : precipitation amount in 0.1 mm SS : sunshine in 0.1 Hours TG : mean temperature in 0.1 °C TN : minimum temperature in 0.1 °C TX : maximum temperature in 0.1 °C CONVERTED to: CC : cloud cover in oktas DD : wind direction in degrees FG : wind speed in 1 m/s FX : wind gust in 1 m/s HU : humidity in fraction of 100 % PP : sea level pressure in 1000 hPa QQ : global radiation in 100 W/m2 RR : precipitation amount in 10 mm SS : sunshine in 1 Hours TG : mean temperature in 1 °C TN : minimum temperature in 1 °C TX : maximum temperature in 1 °C