Published April 30, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Research on the Influence of Linking Natural Science Conceptions to Real Life Situations to Basic School Students in Winneba; A Case of Central Region of Ghana


The main purpose of the study is to examine the effect of linking Natural Science concepts to real life situations to basic school students in Winneba, the Central region of Ghana. Precisely using an activity-based method in the learning environment to enhance better understanding, increase performance and to relate concepts in science to real life situations. The study adopted an action research design to improve practice at a single local setting. This is intended to bring about a positive change or improvement of a situation. The implemented strategies used is referred to as intervention. The accessible population comprised all pupils in lower primary of St. John Anglican Primary ‘A’. The sample population was all Basic three pupils of St. John Anglican Primary ‘A’. The study employed a stratified random sampling technique since the ultimate objective of the research is to improve the performance of pupils offering natural science. Basic school students in Winneba, the Central region of Ghana do not participate actively and consequently performed poorly during Natural Science lessons. The study adopted a diagnostic technique from the perceived problem identified. This depicts the inadequacy of exposing pupils to practical activities and real-life situations, rendering the teaching method teacher centred. The study found out that pupils-centred approach together with relating topics to real life situations can be effective tool in enhancing efficiency in teaching-learning situation. The use of different teaching techniques helped reduce individual differences among pupils. The study findings will be beneficial to basic schoolteachers and school heads to become aware of how they can possibly relate Natural Science topics to real life situations. Further studies can be conducted on the topic by involving a larger sample in order to generalize the findings of the study to a large population which was a limitation for this study.


Journal - 2021-07-02T223639.441.pdf

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