GENUS Branchiomma Kölliker, 1859

Branchiomma Kölliker, 1859: 537.— Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 5. Dasychone Sars, 1862: 118.— Hartman, 1959: 537.

Dasychonopsis Bush, 1904: 198.— Hartman, 1959: 537.

Branchiomma bairdi (McIntosh, 1885)

Dasychone bairdi McIntosh, 1885: 495 –497, Pl. 30 A, Figs 13–15; Pl. 39 A, Figs 2, 9.— Monro 1933: 267. Branchiomma bairdi.— Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 13 –17, Figs 3 A–D, H–K, 9 C–D, 10 C, 11 B.

Type locality: Bermuda, shore.

Type material: BMNH 1885.12. 1.391 (LT).

Records: Mexican Caribbean, Florida, Panama and Lesser Antilles (Tovar-Hernández & Knight-Jones 2006).

Branchiomma conspersum (Ehlers, 1887)

Dasychone conspersa Ehlers, 1887: 266 –270, Pl. 54, Figs 1–6. Dasychonopsis arenosa Treadwell, 1924 b: 1 –2, Figs 1–4.— Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 18.

Branchiomma conspersum.— Knight–Jones, 1994: 192.— Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 18 – 20, Figs 4 A–J, 10 E, 11 D.

Type locality: Florida, Key West, 1.68–3.36 m.

Type material: MCZ 848 (HT).

Records: Mexican Caribbean, Panama, Venezuela (Tovar-Hernández & Knight-Jones 2006).

Branchiomma curtum (Ehlers, 1901)

Dasychone curta Ehlers, 1901 a: 216 –218, Pl. 25, Figs 10–13.— Ehlers, 1901 b: 268.— Ehlers, 1907: 28. Dasychone cingulata (Grube) var. curta Ehlers. — Augener, 1922 a: 211.— Benham, 1927: 137 –139, Pl. 4, Figs 124–125.

Branchiomma curtum.— Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 20 –21, 23– 24, Figs 5 A–G, 8 D–E, 9 H–J, 10 F, 11 E.

Type locality: Chile, Masatierra, Juan Fernandez Islands, 33.6 m. Type material: ZMHUB 376 (ST).

Records: Mexican Caribbean (Tovar-Hernández & Knight-Jones 2006).

Branchiomma iliffei Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006 Branchiomma iliffei Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 27 –30, Figs 7 A–K, 8 B–C, 9 K–M, 10 G, 11 F.

Type locality: Bahamas, Exuma Cays, Basil Minn’s Cave, 23 º 28 ’ N, 75 º 45 ’ W, in marine entrance pool, algae and sediment scooped up from bottom.

Type material: LACM-AHF POLY 2129 (HT), LACM-AHF POLY 2130 (PT). Records: Only known for the type locality.

Branchiomma nigromaculatum (Baird, 1865)

Sabella crispa Krøyer, 1856: 28.— Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 7.

Sabella nigro –maculata Baird, 1865: 159, Pl. 5, Figs 5–6.

Dasychone nigromaculata.— McIntosh, 1885: 503 –504, Pl. 31 A, Figs 4–6; Pl. 39 A, Fig. 6; Pl. 53, Fig. 5. Dasychone ponce Treadwell, 1901: 209, Figs 76–78.— Tovar-Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 7. Branchiomma nigromaculatum.— San Martín et al. 1994: 555.— Knight–Jones, 1994: 192.— Tovar- Hernández and Knight-Jones, 2006: 7 –13, Figs 1 A–H, 2 A–H, 9 A–B, 10 A–B, 11 A.— Giangrande et al. 2007: 45.

Type locality: Saint Vincent.

Type material: BMNH 1839.12.27.16. 20 (LT, SST).

Records: Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Mexican Caribbean, Panama, British Virgin Islands, Lesser Antilles (Tovar-Hernández & Knight-Jones 2006), Belize (Giangrande et al. 2007).

Remarks: Knight– Jones (1994: 192) noted that B. nigromaculatum Baird (1865) was conspecific with Sabella crispum (Krøyer, 1856). Although Sabella crispum has date priority over B. nigromaculatum, the name has not been used since its original description except by Hartman (1959: 559), who regarded it as indeterminable. Conversely the name nigromaculatum has been in frequent use since its inception and is the name used by most museum curators. Therefore, to conserve the name nigromaculatum the precedence of Sabella crispum is reversed and S. crispum becomes a nomen oblitum (Art. 23, Sect. 9, International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 2000).