The folders are named with figures numbers for which the data were used. 1) The folder "Fig1" contains two Origin files and a data folder. "Fig1a_Dispersion_Relation_DMI" includes the data for dispersion relations of k Ʇ H with and without DMI. Folder named “Fig1c” contains the VNA data and matlab figure for the applied field μ0H along y at T = 5 K. “Fig1d_y_5K_spectra_100mT_96mT" file is the data of line plot at 96 mT and 100 mT. 2) The folder "Fig2" contains one Origin files with three data sheets, including the frequency, intensities extracted and the group velocities calculated from the VNA data in the configuration of the applied field μ0H along y at T = 5 K. 3) The folder "Fig3" contains the raw code for Mumax3 simulations for varying the DMI constant with other parameters defined as Cu2OSeO3 and the matlab image of the color map. The raw data after simulation is not attached because the size is too large. Mumax3.9 version was used for simulation. 4) The folder "Fig4" contains 6 files. “Fig4_a_fieldscan_D_7d4e-5” is the color map of simulated spectra using Mumax3. “Fig4_b_6.004_DMI7d4e-5_160mT_ampl” and “Fig4_b_6.004_DMI7d4e-5_160mT_phase” are the spatial maps of the phase and amplitude at 6 GHz when using the DMI constant D = 7.4 × 10-5 J m-2. “Fig4_c_Frequency_versus_wavevectors” is the Origin file containing the extracted wavevector from the phase profile and their corresponding frequencies. “simulation_CSO_bulk_FP_fieldscan_dynamic_varyfield_1” is the raw code for Mumax3 simulation with DMI constant D = 7.4 × 10-5 J m-2. “simulation_CSO_bulk_FP_fieldscan_dynamic_varyfield_2” is the raw code for Mumax3 simulation with DMI constant D = 10 × 10-5 J m-2. 5) The folder "FigS1" contains data relevant to the simulations with DMI constant D = 0. “6.238_DMI0_160mT_phase” and “6.238_DMI0_160mT_ampl” are the spatial maps of the phase and amplitude at 6.238 GHz when using the DMI constant D = 0. “lineplot_no_DMI” is the Origin file containing the spin dynamic data of frequencies obtained from Fourier transform calculation. “simulation_CSO_bulk_FP_fieldscan_dynamic_varyfield_noDMI” is the raw code for Mumax3 simulation with DMI constant D = 0. 6) The folder "FigS2" contains the VNA data and matlab figure for the applied field μ0H along y at T = 20 K. 7) The folder "FigS3" contains the VNA data and matlab figure for the applied field μ0H along x and z at T = 5 K. 8) The folder "FigS4" contains an Origin file. This file has all the raw data of the phase profile at multiple frequencies. 9) The folder "FigS5" contains two matlab figures showing the FFT map of the phase and amplitude of f = 6 GHz with DMI constant D = 7.4 × 10-5 J m-2 at 160 mT. 10) The folder "FigS6" contains an Origin file. This file has the raw data of the phase profile from Mumax3 simulation of D = 7.4 × 10-5 J m-2 and D = -7.410 × 10-5 J m2 at 160 mT.