<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Ischnopoda manchurica PA–NIK 2006, comb. n.</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> </head> <body> <p> <b> <i>Ischnopodamanchurica</i> (Bernhauer, 1938) comb. n.</b> (Figs. 34–36)</p> <p> <i>Tachyusa</i> (<i>Ischnopoda</i>) <i>manchurica</i> Bernhauer, 1938: 26.</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype: ♂: Manchuria, Chandaochedzi, 30.VI.1916 (FMNH).</p> <p> <b>Additional material.</b> <b>China:</b> Harbin distr., 22.IV.1952, 1 ex (BMNH). <b>Japan:</b> Hokkaido, Mt. Hakkan, 7.VI.1977, N. Nishikawa, 1 ex (ISEA); Hyotanpond, Akan Nacional Park, Hakkaidoh, 4.VII.1986, S. Nomura, 1 ex (SINPC); Kamikochi, 5000 ft., Northern Alps, 13.VI.1939, E. Suenson, 3 exx (ZMUC); Kimitsu, Mt. Takago, Chiba Pref., 8.VII.1990, Takeda, 1 ex (SINPC); Tomen, Yoro valey, Chiba Pref., 22.V.1990, T. Takeda, 1 ex (SINPC). <b>Russia:</b> Primorie, Lazovski District, Lazo, Lazovka River valley, 26.V.1993, Sundukow, 1 ex (ZMHB); 28.V.1993, 1 ex (ZMHB); 9–10.VI.1993, 1 ex (ZMHB); 4.VI.1997, Sundukow, 2 exx (ISEA); 7 exx (MSPC); 5–8.VI.1997, J. Sundukow, 4 exx (ISEA); 13 exx (MSPC); 20.VIII.1999, J. Sundukov, 1 ex (MSPC); Primorie, Lazo Distr., Lazo Nature Reserve, Perekatnaya River valley, 18.V.1993, Sundukow, 1 ex (ZMHB); Primorie, Lazo distr., Zelinka valley, 12.VI.1993, Sundukow, 2 exx (ZMHB); Primorie, SikhoteAlin Nature Reserve, YasnayaMundun, 26.VI.– 4.VII.1998, J. Sundukow, 1 ex (ISEA); 1 ex (MSPC); Primorie, Terney, 23.VII.1998, Sundukow, 1 ex (ISEA); 1 ex (MSPC); Primorie, Ussuriyskiy Nature Reserve, kordon Peischula, 13–20.VIII.1998, Sundukow, 1 ex (ISEA); Primorie, Ussuriysky Nature Reserve, KomarovoZapovednoe, 20–29.VII.1999, J. Sundukov, 5 exx (ISEA); 70 exx (MSPC); Primorie, VolnoNadezhdinskoye, 25.VII.1991, ca. 30 km NNW Vladivostok, F. Hieke, 2 exx (ZMHB); Republic Altay, GornoAltaysk, Maymushka River, 16.VII.1995, F. Hieke, 1 ex (ZMHB); Sakhalin, Aniva distr., Vysokoye, valley of Lyutoga river, 22–23.VII.1993, Puthz & Wrase, 1 ex (VAPC); “ SchipkaGora ”, B. Bodemeyer, 1 ex (FMNH); Siberia, Khabarovskiy Kray, Sosnovka, Khabaroviets, 26–30.V.1998, Sundukow, 1 ex (ISEA); valleys near Wladiwostok, Frieb 1918–1920, 1 ex (NMW); Vladivostok, 1919, Jureček, 2 exx (NMPC).</p> <p> <b>Redescription.</b> Body. Length 3.0–3.5 mm, convex, parallelsided, dull; body colour pitchy brown to black; elytra reddishbrown to black, legs and antennae red, head and pronotum with blue reflection, three basal tergites often brownishred.</p> <p>Head subquadrate, flattened dorsally, broadly and shallowly impressed medially; eyes large, moderately protruding from lateral contours of head, length of each seen from above subequal to that of postocular region; surface of head with strong and dense isodiametric mesh microsculpture, giving granulate appearance; puncturation fine and dense, inconspicuous in dense microsculpture. Antennae long, clearly increased in width apically, antennomere 3 longer than 2, antennomeres 4–8 longer than wide, antennomeres 9–10 quadrate, antennomere 11 nearly conical.</p> <p>Pronotum subquadrate, flattened dorsally, lateral sides gradually narrowed in straight line to obtuse hind angles; before base with moderately small and shallow transverse impression, broadly and shallowly impressed medially; surface with very dense isodiametric mesh microsculpture, giving granulate appearance; puncturation fine, dense and asperate, inconspicuous; pubescence at midline directed entirely anteriorly.</p> <p>Elytra subquadrate, at suture as long as pronotum at midline; surface with fine isodiametric mesh microsculpture; puncturation fine, dense and asperate.</p> <p>Abdomen parallelsided, bases of tergites 3–5 each with deep transverse impression, impressions coarsely and densely punctuate, tergal puncturation uniformly fine and dense; tergite 8 with fine transversely stretched isodiametric mesh microsculpture.</p> <p>Male. Aedeagus as in Figs. 34–35.</p> <p>Female. Spermatheca as in Fig. 36.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> <i>Ischnopoda manchurica</i> is closely related to <i>I. semiopaca</i> from which it can be distinguished by the head and pronotum with blue reflection, the darker legs, the pronotal end elytral puncturation more granulate and by the median lobe of aedeagus less curved in lateral view.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> This East Palaearctic species is known from China, Japan and the Russian Far East.</p> <p> <b> <i>Ischnopodasemiopaca</i> (Bernhauer, 1938a), comb. n.</b> (Figs. 37–38)</p> <p> <i>Tachyusa semiopaca</i> Bernhauer, 1938a: 106.</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype: ♂: Japan, Unzen bei Shimabara (FMNH).</p> <p> <b>Additional material. Russia:</b> Pervaya Rechka, valleys near Vladivostok, 1918–1920, Frieb, 1 ex (NMW).</p> <p> <b>Redescription.</b> Body. Length 3.2–3.5 mm, convex, parallelsided, dull; body colour pitchy brown to black; legs yellow, antennae red, head and pronotum with brown reflection, three basal tergites often brownish red.</p> <p>Head subquadrate, flattened dorsally, broadly and shallowly impressed medially; eyes large, moderately protruding from lateral contours of head, length of each seen from above subequal to that of postocular region; surface of head with dense isodiametric mesh microsculpture, giving granulate appearance; puncturation fine and dense, inconspicuous in dense microsculpture. Antennae long, clearly increased in width apically, antennomere 3 longer than 2, antennomeres 4–8 longer than wide, antennomeres 9–10 quadrate, antennomere 11 nearly conical.</p> <p>Pronotum quadrate, flattened dorsally, lateral sides gradually narrowed in straight line to obtuse hind angles; before base with moderately small and shallow transverse impression, broadly and shallowly impressed medially; surface with very dense isodiametric mesh microsculpture, giving granulate appearance; puncturation fine, dense and asperate, inconspicuous; pubescence at midline directed entirely anteriorly.</p> <p>Elytra subquadrate, at suture as long as pronotum at midline; surface with fine isodiametric mesh microsculpture; puncturation fine, dense and asperate.</p> <p>Abdomen parallel sided, bases of tergites 3–5 each with deep transverse impression, impressions coarsely and densely punctuate, tergal puncturation uniformly fine and dense, tergite 8 with fine transversely stretched isodiametric mesh microsculpture.</p> <p>Male. Aedeagus as in Figs. 37–38.</p> <p>Female unknown.</p> <p> <b>Remarks.</b> See under <i>I. manchurica.</i></p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> The currently known distribution of <i>I. semiopaca</i> is restricted to two localities in Japan and Russia.</p> </body> </html>