Flabellum (U.) apertum Moseley, 1876

Flabellum apertum Moseley, 1876: 556. — Cairns, 1982: 44–46, pl. 13, figs. 8–11, pl. 14, figs. 1–4. — Piñón, 1999: 21, 82 (listed).

Flabellum patagonichum Moseley, 1881: 166–167, pl. 15, figs. 1–7. — Squires, 1969: 17, 18, pl. 6, map 4.

New Records. — Anton Bruun 18A­687, 34°07'S, 72°19'W, 730–750 m, 5 Aug 1966, 1 dead specimen, USNM 1021995; Akebono Maru 72–27, 52°48.7'S, 52°50.3'W, 317 m, 11 Nov 1978, 3 coralla, USNM 80376; Akebono Maru 72–49, 53°44.4'S, 53°46.3'W, 482 m, 14 Nov 1978, 1 corallum, USNM 80377; Akebono Maru 72–86, 55°04.4'S, 72°10.0'W, 193 m, 18 Nov 1978, 2 coralla, MNHNS; Akebono Maru 72­116, 56°05.2'S, 70°02.6'W, 435 m, 23 Nov 1978, 10 coralla, MNHNS.

Remarks. — Flabellum apertum was first reported (Moseley 1881) from off Chile (48°S, Golfo de Penas) as F. patagonichum at 220 m. Cairns (1982) later reported two records from the continental slope off Isla Desolación (1262–1500 m). Specimens reported herein were also collected off Isla Desolación, off Islas Morton, and a northern range extension at 34°S. The species is thus known from 34° to 56°S off the Chilean coast at depths of 193–1500 m but is more widespread throughout the Subantarctic at similar depths (Cairns 1982, 1995). It is well described and illustrated by Cairns (1982, 1995).