Fungiacyathus (B.) pseudostephanus Keller, 1976

Figs. 1A—B

Fungiacyathus pseudostephana (sic). Keller, 1976: 34–35, pl. 1, figs. 3–5, map.

Fungiacyathus pseudostephanus. — Piñón, 1999: 19, 79 (listed).

New Record. — Vema 17­1, 7°10'S, 85°50'W, 4124 m, 26 Feb 1961, 1 corallum, USNM 80120.

Remarks. —The type locality of this species is several km west of Antofagasta, Chile (23°19'S, 70°57'W), but at a depth of 3840 m. It is also reputed to occur in the central Indian Ocean at depths of 3880–5120 m, making it one of the deepest living scleractinian corals known (Keller 1976). The specimen reported herein is the second report of the species, collected from the abyssal plain off Chiclayo, Peru at 4124 m. It is 17.3 mm in CD and 8.3 mm in height, having highly ridged and serrate costae and a moderately conical base. The corallum has 48 septa, the S1 consisting of 4–5 tall axial lobes and an outer lobe consisting of 13–25 trabeculae. S2 consist of 7–8 axial lobes and an outer lobe consisting of 5–7 trabeculae.