(Fig. 3)
Anonyx groenlandicus Hansen, 1888: 72, pl. 2, fig. 5.― Della Valle, 1893: 832.
Orchomenella groenlandica.―G.O. Sars, 1891: 70, pl. 26, fig. 1.―G.O. Sars, 1895: 684.― Stebbing, 1906: 83.― Stephensen, 1912: 528, 585.― Stephensen, 1913: 123.― Shoemaker, 1920: 6.― Stephensen, 1925: 122.― Schneider, 1926: 10. ― Derjugin, 1928: 274.― Shoemaker, 1930: 17.― Stephensen, 1932: 357.― Chevreux, 1935: 57.― Schellenberg, 1935: 21. ― Stephensen, 1935: 104 (key), 109.― Stephensen, 1942: 474 (table).― Gurjanova, 1951: 284, fig. 152.― Dunbar, 1954: 719.― MacGinitie, 1955: 158.― Shoemaker, 1955: 3.― Bulycheva, 1957: (page unknown).―J.L. Barnard, 1958: 96 (list).— Oldevig, 1959: 22.— Gurjanova, 1964: 279.— Brunel, 1970: 35 (list).— Bousfield, 1973: 147 (key), 287 (list).— Golikov, 1988: (page unknown).— Golikov, 1990: 241.
Orchomene groenlandica.― Bonnier, 1893: 194.
Tryphosa groenlandica.— Norman, 1902: 479 (list).― Stephensen, 1944: 33, fig. 1, 151, table 2.— Watling, 1979: 266, table 1.
Orchomenella grönlandica. ― Gurjanova, 1962: 152 (key).
Gronella groenlandica.― Barnard & Karaman, 1991: 489.― Palerud & Vader, 1991: 35.— Tzvetkova & Golikov, 2001: 88. ― Stransky & Brandt, 2010: 862, table 5.― Stransky & Svavarsson, 2010: 134, Appendix.
Not Tryphosa groenlandica Schellenberg, 1935: 20.— Gurjanova, 1951: 253, fig. 118 (= Tryphosella groenlandica).
Types. Syntypes, 1 specimen SMNH N. Amph. 6780 (original label no. 5479) and 8 specimens SMNH N. Amph. 6781.
Additional material examined. Female, 6.5 mm, male, 7.5 mm, AM P.9888, from the Bay of Fundy, northwest Atlantic Ocean, United States Bureau of Fisheries, 1872 (ex USNM access. no. 35793, originally identified by C. Shoemaker).
Type locality. Egedesminde, Disko Bugt, West Greenland (approximately 68°40'N 52°40'W), 10–20 fathoms [~ 18–36.5 m], and Sukkertoppen (Sukkertoppen is an icefield which comes down to the sea near Kangâmiut, West Greenland (approximately 65°50'N 53°20'W)), 15–20 fathoms [~ 27.5–36.5 m].
Habitat. Soft bottom (Stephensen 1912), sandy mud with algae (Shoemaker 1920), clay (Oldevig 1959).
Depth range. 6–140 m (Stephensen 1925, 1935).
Remarks. Hansen (1888) specified that his description was based on an adult female (6.5 mm) and adult male (7.4 mm) from the syntype series.
Distribution. Arctic. Coasts of Greenland (Hansen 1888, Stephensen 1912); North Norway (Sars 1891, Norman 1902); Spitsbergen (Chevreux 1935); Beaufort Sea (Shoemaker 1920, MacGinitie 1955, Shoemaker 1955); White Sea (Derjugin 1928, Golikov 1988); Laptev Sea (Golikov 1990); Kara, East-Siberian and Chukchi Seas (Tzvetkova & Golikov 2001). Boreal North Atlantic. Bay of Fundy, Canada (Shoemaker 1930); Ungava Bay, Canada (Dunbar 1954); Gulf of St Lawrence (Brunel 1970).