Genus Gimnomera Rondani, 1866

[Japanese name: Shiributo-funbae-zoku]

Gimnomera Rondani, 1866: 21 (1867: 135). Type-species: Cordylura tarsea Fallén, 1819, by original designation. Cochliarium Becker, 1894: 183. Type-species: Cordylura cuneiventris Zetterstedt, 1846, by original designation.

Dasypleuron Malloch, 1919: 79. Type-species: Dasypleuron tibialis Malloch, 1919, by original designation.

Paragymnomera Hendel, 1930: 80. Type-species: Gymnomera hirta Hendel, 1930, by original designation.

Rhopochilus Enderlein, 1936: 136. Type-species: Cochliarum lasiostoma Becker, 1894, by monotypy.

Langechristia Ozerov, 1999: 510. Type-species: Langechristia ziegleri Ozerov, 1999, by original designation.

Diagnosis. Head variable from yellow to blackish; occiput covered with black setae in upper part and pale hairs in lower part; 2-5 fr, 2-3 or, 1 oc, 1 poc, 1 vte, 1 vti; postpedicel approximately 1.5-2 times as long as wide; arista pubescent or short-haired; palpi filiform, without long apical setae; 1 vibrissa and 1-2 subvibrissae; anterior margin of postpronotum with or without short erect spinules; 1-2 pprn, 0-2 npl, (0-1)+(0-1) ial; (0-1)+(1-2) sa; 1-2 pa, (0-2)+(1-3) dc, 1 apsc; 1 bsc or 1 dsc; 1 prepst; 0-1 prepm; 1-3 anepst; 1 ketpst; wings clear or slightly brownish; R 1 vein bare or setulose on apical half of dorsal surface; sternite V usually with median lobes, rarely with long triangular lateral lobes; male epandrium incompletely fused to surstyli; male surstyli often broadened apically; male cerci fused apically or medially forming cercal plate; female ovipositor short, compressed laterally, and tergite VIII strongly sclerotized.