Cleigastra tibiella (Zetterstedt, 1838)

[Japanese name: Togeashi-hizaguro-funbae]

(Figs 15–20)

Cordylura tibiella Zetterstedt, 1838: 731. Type-locality: “Juckasjervi Lapponiae Tornensis, ad Lycksele Lappon. Umensis, ut et ad Bjŏrkvik Nordlandiae… Dowre… Uplandia ad Nacka prope Stockhomiam… Smoland…” [Sweden, Norway].

Cordylura nigripes Zetterstedt, 1846: 2026. Type-locality: “Smolandia… Jemtlandia boreali ad diversorium Skalstugan… Lapponia Lulensi” [Sweden].

Amaurosoma nigrifrontata Becker, 1894: 120. Type-locality: “Sud-Tirol vom Luisier Pass” [now Passo di Lusia (Italy, Trentino)].

Amaurosoma mutans Becker, 1894: 120. Type-locality: Legnica (formerly Liegnitz), Poland.

Amaurosoma kamtschatkense Hendel, 1930: 9. Type-locality: “Klutchi” [Russia, Kamchatka Kray]

Material examined. Hokkaido, 2 ♂, Kushiro, 16. v. 1988, leg. M. Iwasa (OUAVM).

Diagnosis. Cleigastra tibiella (Zetterstedt) can be recognized by the following characteristics: frons black; face, parafacial, and genae pale yellow with silvery microtrichose; postpedicel black with acute upper corner (Fig. 15); thorax and abdominal tergites grey dusted (Fig. 15); katepisternum with 3 setae (Fig. 16); fore femora blackish with 7-10 distinct av setae (Fig. 17); male sternite V bilobate posteriorly (Fig. 18); male surstyli filiform, apically rounded, arched close to each other at the tips (Figs 19, 20).

Body length (♂). 4.7–4.8 mm.

Distribution. Europe, Japan (Hokkaido), Russia (Kamchatka Kray, Kranoyarsk Kray, Leningrad Oblast and St.- Petersburg, Magadan Oblast, Moscow Oblast, Sakhalin Oblast, Tumen’ Oblast) (Ozerov & Krivosheina, 2015). New to Japan.

Remarks. This species is very similar to C. puberula (Becker) in the structure of male fore femora and surstyli, but can be easily distinguished from it by the blackish fore femora.