Phrixometra longipinna var. brasiliensis Tommasi & Oliveira, 1976

Phrixometra longipinna var. brasiliensis Tommasi & Oliveira, 1976: 78–81, figs. 1–5.

Phrixometra longipinna brasiliensis: Fernandes et al. 2002: 408 (list).

Type locality. 23º46′S 42º29′W, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Type material. Lost. Tommasi & Oliveira (1976) mentioned that the specimen is in the type collection of the Oceanographic Institute of the Universidade de São Paulo (IOUSP). However, this collection never existed officially (M. Petti, personal communication). Considering that most of the material previously held by Tommasi was donated to MZUSP, we checked with the staff, but the material could not be located.

Geographic and bathymetric range. Brazil, at depths from 146 to 174 m.

Brazilian localities. Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo (Tommasi & Oliveira 1976).