88. Trichopeltis doriae Pocock, 1895

Trichopeltis doriae Pocock, 1895: 792 (D).

Trichopeltis Doriae — Attems, 1899: 362 (L, K); 1914: 168 (L).

Trichopeltis doriae — Attems, 1936: 244 (R); 1940: 220 (D, K); Jeekel, 1955: 415 (M); Golovatch et al. 2010: 63 (M, K).

Record from Myanmar: Yado, Carin Asciuii Cheba, 1,200–1,300 m (Pocock 1895). Based on an indefinite number of syntypes of both sexes, shared between the collections of the London and Genoa museums.