Pseudocrangonyx susunaensis Labay 1999, p. 64, fig. 6b. – Labay 2001, p. 292, figs 5–7.

Distribution and ecology

Previously recorded in springs on the Susunajskij Khrebet near Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (1999, 2001).

New record

RUSSIA: specimen 11/12-DAS: probably ♀ ca. 4.0 mm (oostegites undeveloped), Sakhalin, Sakhalinskaya Oblast, Korsakovsky District, basin of Tunaicha Lake, upper part of Udarnitsa river, in stomach of salmon, 46.725742, 143.422394, elevation 46 m, leg. S.E. Frenkel, 4 June 2004.


The single specimen of an unspecified gender was found in the stomach contents of a young masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) caught on 4 June 2004, at the source of the Udarnitsa River in the extreme southeast of Sakhalin, and showed a weak affinity with P. susunaensis, but appears to be mostly immature and broken.