Bougisia ornata Laval

Bougisia ornata Laval, 1966: 210–216, figs 1–4. – Vicencio­Aguilar & Fernández­Alamo 1995: 22 (list). Zeidler 1998: 43, figs 28 & 29.

Type material

The holotype male is in the MOM (No. 5296). The allotype female and a paratype male are in the collections of the Zoological Station, Villefranche­sur­Mer, France. The type locality is the Mediterranean Sea, near Villefranche­sur­Mer, France.

Material examined (10 specimens)

North Atlantic: 1 lot (USNM), 1 lot (ZMB), 9 specimens. Tasman Sea: 1 lot (SAMA), 1 specimen.


Head slightly shorter than pereonites 1 & 2. Gnathopod 2 with carpal process extending to about middle of propodus (or slightly less). Pereopod 5 with long setae on anterior margin of basis to propodus. Pereopods 6 & 7 with relatively smooth margins.


This is a very rare and distinctive species. Laval (1966) provides some biological information, and records it as an associate of Phialidium sp. (Leptomedusae).


This species has only been recorded from the Mediterranean Sea (near Villefranchesur­Mer, France), the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean (off Costa Rica) and the Tasman Sea (off Jervis Bay, New South Wales). There are also specimens in the USNM and ZMB from off northwest Africa (24ºN, 17ºW).