Arrhopalites kolymensis Tshelnokov, 1990: 350­352, figs. 1­8.

Type locality: Russia, Sibik­Tyallakh, Tenkhinsk district, Magadan from tundra.

Principalis­group. Total length, 0.7 mm. Colour ro­ochre with dark brown eye patches, eyes 1+1. Cephalic spinelike setae present. Ant. III not swollen basally. Ant. IV divided into 6 subsegments. Second and third ungues with inner tooth and tunica, all unguiculi with apical filament and without corner tooth. Dental chaetotaxy shown in table III, ventral dental formula 3:2:1:1. Anal valve chaetotaxy as in table II.

Biogeographic zone 2b.