Uromenus galvagnii Nadig, 1994

MOROCCO, SW of Derdara, N 35.08957, W 005.30738, 400 m a.s.l., 24 v 2013, leg. Chobanov.

Conclusions from the short recording; the calling song consists of isolated syllables (Fig. 2) which are separated by intervals of several seconds, with a short opening hemisyllable (53±4 ms; n=2) followed by a longer closing hemisyllable (105 ms with ca. 47 impulses; Fig. 3), both having approximately the same amplitude.

The frequency spectrum has a relatively low and narrow maximum around 10 kHz (Fig. 5).

The male tegmina (Fig. 6C) are in shape and size similar to U. finoti. The male stridulatory file carries about 140 teeth (Fig. 7; Tab. 2). In the middle of the file the inter-tooth intervals are about 65 µm.

Morphology. The species was grouped by Nadig (1994) within his Robustus Group. The species is typical with the very long male epiproct and the elongate cerci (Fig. 10B 1). Male 10th tergum, epiproct, cerci and titillators are shown on Fig. 10B 1–2 and Fig. 11C.

Ecology. The species was found within diverse mesoxerophyte ruderalized vegetation (bordering orchards and vineyards). The locality most probably classifies within the Köppen climate type CSa (Hot-summer mediterranean) to CSb (Warm-summer mediterranean)(Verner et al. 2018).