
Users can perform the analysis by running the R script (PDFE_analysis.R) after the installation of all 
package mentioned in the preamble,  

then running the Mathematica notebook (moments_predicted.nb) 

This folder contains: 

- 1 dataset with population sizes:  


- 1 dataset with glycerol concentrations: 


- 5 C++ scripts compiled and run with the R TMB package: 

* density_dependence_cst.cpp : compute the negative loglikelihood of the dynamics of lines maintained in
constant environments. This script estimates the growth rates and carrying capacities (constant within
but varying between treatment genetic background x constant salinity). 

* logistic_data_K_unkownS_normal_autocorr_all_genotype.cpp : compute the negative loglikelihood for 
population dynamics of lines under stochastic environment, assuming a normal autocorrelated distribution
of the growth rate with parameters (mean, standard deviation and autocorrelation) that depend on the 
genetic background and the autocorrelation treatment 

* logistic_data_K_unkownS_gamma_rho_all_genotype.cpp : compute the negative loglikelihood for population
 dynamics of lines under stochastic environment, assuming a reverse gamma distribution of the growth 
rate with parameters (mean, standard deviation and autocorrelation) that depend on the genetic 
background and the autocorrelation treatment 

* logistic_data_K: compute the negative loglikelihood for population dynamics of lines under stochastic
 environment and estimate parameters for the bivariate tolerance curves (parameters depend on the 
 genetic background) 

* logistic_data_K_univariate: compute the negative loglikelihood for population dynamics of lines under
 stochastic environment and estimate parameters for the univariate tolerance curves (parameters depend 
 on the genetic background) 

- 1 R script: 

PDFE_analysis.R. Performs the population dynamics analysis. Read the data, performs the 
survival analysis, analyses salinity effect on growth rate and carrying capacity in the constant 
salinity lines, analyses r distribution and fit bivariate and univariate tolerance curves in the 
stochastic lines. Code used for the plots is also present jointly with the analysis of the moments of N
 and r (estimation by treatment + regression). 

- A Mathematica notebook: 

moments_predicted.nb: compute the predicted mean, variance, skewness and 
autocorrelation of the growth rate given the bivariate and univariate tolerance curve parameters and the
 distribution of salinity in the different autocorrelation regime.