Family Cirratulidae Ryckholt, 1851

Diagnosis. Body elongate with numerous short segments; not divided into distinct regions but anterior and/or posterior segments sometimes expanded and crowded. Prostomium narrow and conical or broad and wedge shaped, without appendages; eyespots present or absent; paired dorsolateral nuchal organs present. Peristomium achaetous, smooth or with two or more distinct annuli. Grooved dorsal tentacles arise as a single pair or as multiple groups of filaments on posterior margin of peristomium or on one or more anterior setigerous segments. Branchiae long, filamentous, usually occurring over numerous segments. Parapodia biramous with rudimentary podial lobes. Setae simple, including capillaries, acicular spines or bidentate hooks. Pygidium a simple lobe sometimes with sub-anal disk, or terminal cirri. Pharynx ventral, unarmed. Sexual and asexual reproduction may occur.