Aquarium,Aquarium number Date,Date sample collected Tank,Experimental aquarium number Experiment,Individual constituent or mixed community experiment Substrate,Reef constituent NutLevel,Nutrient level Time,Collection time TankTA,Total Alkalinity of the experimental aquaria (microEq) HeaderTA,Total Alkalinity of the header tank (microEq) TankTemp,Temperature of the experimental aquaria © TankpH,pH of the experimental aquaria (total scale) HeaderTemp,Temperature of the experimental aquaria © HeaderpH,pH of the header aquaria (total scale) TankP,"Phosphate in the experimental aquaria (micromol/L). Note, we only analyze a subset of Tank N and P data (each nutrient treatment X substrate treatement during dark and light conditions). We assumes that Tank nutrients were the same across all replicates" TankN,"Nitrate+nitrite in the experimental aquaria (micromol/L). Note, we only analyze a subset of Tank N and P data (each nutrient treatment X substrate treatement during dark and light conditions). We assumes that Tank nutrients were the same across all replicates" TankSi,"Silicate in the experimental aquaria (micromol/L). Note, we only analyze a subset of Tank Si data (each nutrient treatment X substrate treatement during dark and light conditions). We assumes that Tank nutrients were the same across all replicates" HeaderP,Phosphate in the header aquaria (micromol/L) HeaderSi,Silicate in the header aquaria (micromol/L) HeaderN,Nitrate+nitrite in theheader aquaria (micromol/L) TankCO2,CO2 in the experimental aquaria (micromol/kg) TankHCO3,HCO3 in the experimental aquaria (micromol/kg) TankCO3,CO3 in the experimental aquaria (micromol/kg) TankDIC,Dissolved inorganic carbon in the experimental aquaria (micromol/kg) TankOmegaArag,Aragonite saturation state in the experimental aquaria TankOmegaCalcite,Calcite saturation state in the experimental aquaria TankpCO2,pCO2 in the experimental aquaria (microatm) TankfCO2,fCO2 in the experimental aquaria (microatm) HeaderCO2,CO2 in the headera aquaria (micromol/kg) HeaderHCO3,HCO3 in the headera aquaria (micromol/kg) HeaderCO3,CO3 in the headera aquaria (micromol/kg) HeaderDIC,Dissolved inorganic carbon in the headera aquaria (micromol/kg) HeaderOmegaArag,Aragonite saturation state in the headera aquaria HeaderOmegaCalcite,Calcite saturation state in the headera aquaria HeaderpCO2,pCO2 in the headera aquaria (microatm) HeaderfCO2,fCO2 in the headera aquaria (microatm) ResTime.mean,Residence time (hours) Flow.mean,Flow rate (ml/min) SA,surface area (mm2) AFDW,Ash free dry weight (g) DW,dry weight (g) Volume,Sample volume (ml) DayNight,Sample time during the day or night NEC.AFDW,Net community calcification rate (micromol g-1 hr-1) NCP.AFDW,Net community production rate (micromol g-1 hr-1) R,Respiration (micromol g-1 hr-1) GPP,Gross community production rate (micromol g-1 hr-1)