Trait values presented here are described in two associated papers: one method paper (, and one paper on adaptive diversification of plant allometry ( Traits have been measured on 451 natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana (n = 2 per accession), in Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology (MPI-Tuebingen), in 2014. The main file (‘Accessions_phenotypes’) contains average trait values per accession for plant lifespan (days), fruit number, final rosette dry mass (DM, mg), absolute growth rate (mg d-1), relative growth rate (RGR, mg d-1 g-1), and the scaling exponent. Accessions are identified with their 1001-genomes project IDs (, as well as latitude and longitude of origin. There are six associated files, which contain data used to growth dynamics and fruit number estimation: - 'harvest_16d' file contains rosette area (cm2) and shape descriptors, as well as rosette dry mass (mg) and leaf dry mass per area (LMA, g m-2) measured on 817 individuals (n = 2 per accession) by image analysis, plant dissection and weighing. Plants have been harvested 16 days after the end of vernalization (see related papers for details). - 'expanding_rosette_area' contains rosette area (cm2) and shape descriptors for all plants (451 accessions with 2 replicates) grown until the end of the life cycle. Data were extracted from image analysis (see related papers) during the 25 first days after vernalization to estimate rosette dry mass and growth dynamics with a modelling approach. - 'mature_rosette_area' contains rosette area (cm2) data at the end of the life cycle, when plants have been destructively harvested. - 'mature_rosette_DM' file contains rosette dry mass (mg) data measured at the end of the life cycle, when the plants have been destructively harvested (451 accessions with two replicates). - 'Siliques_man' contains the manual counting of the number of siliques (fruits) per plant. - 'Siliques_aut' contains the skeleton parameters extracted from image analysis of each plant inflorescence (see related papers). This file is used to automatically estimated fruit number from pictures of inflorescences.