Individuals 01-18 Gannet 19-37 Coats 38-57 Akpatok 59-77 Minarets 78-96 Prince Leopold 97-100 common murres (outgroup) The folder includes 4 files in Structure format 1. noMAF_TBMU.structure.tsv This files includes all SNPs genotyped in thick-billed murres only with no minor allele frequency (MAF) filter 2. MAF_TBMU.structure.tsv This files includes all SNPs genotyped in thick-billed murres only with MAF < 0.05 3. MAF_TBMU_outliers_lositan.structure.tsv This files includes only outlier SNPs (as identified by Lositan) genotyped in thick-billed murres only with MAF < 0.05 4. COMUandTBMU_firstSNP.structure.tsv This file was used to test for presence of hybrids in the dataset and includes SNPs (only the first SNP for each locus) genotyped in common and thick-billed murres. No MAF filter applied.