"individual.id" - individual identifier for the bat. Typically a radio tag frequency "radio.frequency" - the frequency of the radio transmitter "pit.tag" - PIT tag identification number "sex" - Sex of the animala (f = female, m = male) "mass" - mass of the animal in grams "forearm.length" - length of the forearm "timestamp" - local timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) "height.asl" - height in meters above sea level "height" - height in meters above lake level "wingbeat.per.sec" - wingbeat frequency in beats per second (Hz) "flap.glide" - whether the bat was beating its wings (flap) or gliding (glide). NA indicates no observation "rate" - the rate of height change from the point preceding. Negative values indicate descent, positive values ascent. "kn.air.temp" - local air temperature "kn.air.pressure" - local air pressure "winddirection" - local meteorological wind direction "windspeed" - local wind speed "wind.U" - zonal wind velocity (horizontal wind toward East) "wind.V" - meridional wind velocity (vertical wind toward North) The variables kn.air.temp, kn.air.pressure, winddirection, and windspeed, were obtained from Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) at https://cdc.dwd.de/portal/201810240858/index.html on 2018-02-04. Permission was obtained from DWD by Axel Kuschnerow to release this subset of data in Dryad. Please acknowledge the original data source in any subsequent reuse of these data.