These vegetation and fecal data were used to describe the relationship between fecal and vegetation Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorous (P) content, in 2002-2003 in Kruger National Park, as described in Ryan et al, 2012 Columns are: Date Month/Day/Year Veg N Mean vegetation Nitrogen (N), in g/100g or % for feeding patch samples; methods described in paper and references therein Fecal N Mean fecal Nitrogen (N), in g/100g or %, for herds in feeding patches Veg SE Standard error of Veg N Fecal SE Standard error of Fecal N Veg P Mean vegetation Phosphorous (P), in g/100g or % for feeding patch samples; methods described in paper and references therein Veg P SE Standard error of Veg P Fecal P Mean fecal Phosphorous (P), in g/100g or %, for herds in feeding patches Fecal P SE Standard error of fecal P