SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL AND DATA Title: Seasonal release from competition explains partial migration in European moose Authors: van Moorter, Singh, Rolandsen, Solberg, Dettki, Pusenius, MÃ¥nsson, Sand, Milner, Roer, Tallian, Neumann, Ericsson, and Mysterud Files: 1) "supplementary_material.pdf" Supplementary material to the paper (i.e. model details and supplementary figures) 2) "analysis/1_seasonal_range_analysis.r" Master script for the habitat selection analysis and seaonal range delimitation 3) "analysis/2_migration_analysis.r" Master script for the migration analysis 4) "analysis/data/dat_rsf.rda" Rdata-file with the environmental covariates for each moose observation (used in the habitat suitability analysis) 5) "analysis/data/mig_data.rda" Rdata-file with the migratory behavior of each individual moose 6) "analysis/maps/corinecreclass.tif" Reclassified CORINE land cover map 7) "analysis/maps/dem_100m.tif" Digital elevation map 8) "analysis/maps/fennoscan.shp" Shapefile with the country contours 9) "analysis/maps/fennoscandia_provinces.shp" Shapefile with the provinces in Fennoscandia (comes also in a simplified version) 10) "analysis/maps/graticule.shp" Shapefile with graticules 11) "outputs/clust.rda" Rdata-file with the migration behavior in the different clusters created in "2_migration_analysis.r" 12) "outputs/clust_annotated.rda" Rdata-file with the migration behavior, the seasonal ranges, and population density for the different clusters used for the hypothesis testing of partial migration in "2_migration_analysis.r" 13) "outputs/fit_summer|winter.rda" Rdata-file with the fitted RSF models from "1_seasonal_range_analysis.r" 14) "outputs/XXXX.tif" Raster maps with the predictions from "1_seasonal_range_analysis.r" 15) "scripts/corine_reclass.r" Supporting R-function to reclass the CORINE land cover classes 16) "scripts/migration_functions.r" Supporting R-function to compute migration behavior using different criteria (incl. distance and volume of intersection) 17) "scripts/" Supporting R-function to add pie charts with the proportion of migrants to a map