Dissomphalus latus Azevedo, 2001

(Figs 113–114)

Dissomphalus latus Azevedo, 2001: 175, 188–189 (♂ holotype from Trinidad & Tobago, EMUS figs 98–101).

Diagnosis. Mandible bidentate. Clypeus subtrapezoidal. Tergal process with pair of antero-lateral depressions, ovoid, deep, margin with setae, pit with high border covered by tuft of long setae in middle of depression. Hypopygium with posterior margin straight. Genitalia: paramere with apex oblique and truncate; aedeagal dorsal ramus shorter than aedeagal dorsal body, laminar; surface horizontal, evenly wide; apex bidentate; aedeagal dorsal body with two pairs of apical lobes; outer pair laminar, surface vertical, wide; apex rounded and directed downward; inner pair, membranous, stout and setose. Apodeme extending beyond genital ring.

Remarks. No additional material of this species was not found in this study. Material examined. Holotype ♂, TRINIDAD & TOBAGO, Trinidad Island: Simila Reserve Station, 2– 15.VI.1981, Hanson & Clemons col. (EMUS).

Distribution (Fig. 238). Panama and Trinidad & Tobago.