Gender£º 1=male,2=female£» Age(group): 1=aged 60~69 years, 2=aged 70~79 years, 3=aged ¡İ80 years; Material status: 1=married, 2=unmarried; Living arrangement: 1=living alone, 2=living with family; Residiende: 1=urban, 2=rural; Education: 1=illiterate, 2=primary, 3=unior high school, 4=senior high school, 5=college and above; Personal Economic status: 1=Expenditures exceeded income, 2=Balance, 3=Income exceeded expenditures; Self-rated health: 1=bad, 2=fair, 3=good; Number of chronic disease: 0=did not suffer from chronic disease, 1=suffered from one chronic disease; 2=suffered from two chronic diseases; 3=suffered from three or more chronic diseases; Life satisfaction: 1=bad, 2=fair, 3=good; Mood: 1=bad, 2=fair, 3=good; Feelings of loneliness: 1=often, 2=sometimes, 3=seldom/never; Dressing: 1=completely independent, 2=needing some help, 3=completely dependent; Feeding: 1=completely independent, 2=needing some help, 3=completely dependent; Transferring: 1=completely independent, 2=needing some help, 3=completely dependent; Walking: 1=completely independent, 2=needing some help, 3=completely dependent; Bathing: 1=completely independent, 2=needing some help, 3=completely dependent; Toileting: 1=completely independent, 2=needing some help, 3=completely dependent; disability: 1=yes, 0=no.