#README Husby & Husby 2014 INTERSPECIFIC ANALYSIS OF VEHICLE AVOIDANCE BEHAVIOUR IN BIRDS. BEHAVIOURAL ECOLOGY XXX # This file contains all individual level observations on vehicle avoidance behaviour from the eleven different species used in the above paper. The different data cloumns are described in more detail in the original paper. Data columns Species: species name in Latin Speed: Speed of the vehicle 1= < 50 km/h, 2= 50-80 km/h, 3= >80 km/h Roadtype: type of road 1= Major paved road heavy traffic, 2 = Minor paved road with intermediate traffic, 3 = Gravel road with little traffic Vegetation: Roadside vegetation pattern, 1 = escape to lower vegetation, 2= vegetation height equal on both sides (or nor vegtation on both sides), 3 = escape to higher vegetation Crossing: If the bird crossed the road (0) or flew away from the road (1) Ecology: Species classified as its natural habitat being open landscape (X), semi-open (X) or forest(X) Brainmass: size of brain in g bodymass: size of body in g season: yearly observations divided according to if observed during summer or winter months.