Short explanation for raw data files submitted to Dryad, belonging to the article Passerine extra-pair mating dynamics: A Bayesian modeling approach comparing four species, Jon Brommer, Jussi S Alho, Clotilde Biard, Joanne R Chapman, Anne Charmantier, Amelie Dreiss, Ian R Hartley, Mårten B Hjernquist, Bart Kempenaers, Jan Komdeur, Toni Laaksonen, Paula K Lehtonen, Thomas Lubjuhn, Samantha C Patrick, Balazs Rosivall, Kees van Oers, Marco van der Velde, Joost M Tinbergen, Tomasz Wilk, Wolfgang Winkel, The American Naturalist. Data consists of a single text file with data for each population, following the numbering in Table 1 in the main text. Data are three columns 1. population, 2.# EPY, 3. brood size, Each row is unique for one female (if there were multiple observation of a single female, one observation was randomly selected). Data where the number of EPY equals brood size are included. Not all authors have agreed to provide this information in Dryad. The following populations / authors are represented: population Author ----- ----- 1,7 Kempenaers 2 Biard 3 Dreiss 4,5,6 Charmantier 8 Hartley 9 Korsten, published in Brommer et al. (2007, Behavioral Ecology) 10 Lubjuhn 11 van Oers 14 Rosivall 15 Wilk 16 Hjernquist (part of this data is from Sheldon & Ellegren (1999, Animal Behaviour), see also Brommer et al. (2007, Behavioral Ecology) 17 Winkel 18 Lehtonen / Laaksonen Data for populations 12 and 13 are to be requested from the original authors (see Table 1 in original article). The data can be used to test the Bayesian model provided in Appendix A. It should produce parameter values that correspond to Supplementary Table D1 (population-specific estimates) or Table D2 (after omitting broods that entirely consist of EPY). This is the data used to generate the estimates plotted in Fig.1 in the original article, after omitting cases where the entire brood consisted of EPY. N When using this information, please refer to the original article as the source of information. Helsinki, 1.4.2010 -Jon Brommer