Passive soundscape audio recordings were taken during the breeding season at 22 Gentoo Penguin colonies on the Antarctic Peninsula and South Shetland Islands, South Georgia, the Falkland Islands, and Argentina (see table 1 in text for lat/longs). Recordings were made using stationary Song Meter SM2+ units (24,000Hz sampling rate, stereo recording) placed 3-5m from one or more small subgroups of nesting Gentoo Penguins in each colony. As such, recordings were not targeted at specific penguins, but rather recorded the ambient soundscape of the colony. Audio files were analyzed in Raven Sound Analysis Software (window size=625 samples, overlap=65%, DFT size=2048 samples). Ecstatic display calls were identified within each recording using a band limited energy detector, selected based on quality, and manually classified. Files provided here are named with colony location followed by the date of the recording. See table 1 in the text for lat/longs and site codes. Files are 20minute selections from the raw audio files. Audio files were recorded by M.A.Lynch and questions regarding these files can be directed to