This data package contains all data files necessary to conduct all the analyses presented in Enriquez-Urzelai et al. 2018 JEB. These data comprise morphological measurements, locomotor performance experiments, and thermal gradient experiments for adult (8 populations) and metamorphic (7 populations) Rana temporaria. The file "morphology.txt" contains the morphological measurements taken for each individual. "stg": ontogenetic stage of individuals (either adult of metamorphic); "pop": population of origin; "ID": identifier of the individual; "SVL": snout-to-vent length; "femurR": length of the right femur; "tibfibR": length of the right tibiofibula; "footR": length of the right foot; "femurL": length of the left femur; "tibfibL": length of the left tibiofibula; "footL": length of the left foot. The files “locom_adults.txt” and "locom_metas.txt" contain the results of locomotor trials performed at different temperatures for adults and metamorphic individuals, respectively. "T": temperature of locomotor performance trial; "pop": population of origin; "ID": identifier of the individual; dist: the distance displaced in cm. The files “gradients_adults.txt” and "gradients_metas.txt" contain the results of thermal gradient experiments for adults and metamorphic individuals, respectively. "grad": the individual code of the gradient in which individuals were placed; "pop": population of origin; "cod": identifier of the individual; "Ws": weight at the start of the experiment; "We": weight at the end of the experiment. For metamorphic individuals we also report temperatures taken every 15 minutes ("T30", "T45", "T60", "T75", "T90", "T105", "T120", "T135", "T150") and the date ("date") of the experiment. For adults, we report the temperatures taken every 15 minutes either directly from the body of frogs ("T30f", "T45f", "T60f", "T75f", "T90f", "T105f", "T120f", "T135f", "T150f"), or substrate temperature at the animal’s position ("T30s", "T45s", "T60s", "T75s", "T90s", "T105s", "T120s", "T135s", "T150s"), as well as the date of the experiment ("date") and sex ("sex") of each individual. Please contact Urtzi Enriquez-Urzelai ( should you have any questions regarding these data.