Information regarding folders and files deposited to Dryad. ### data_nexus ### Aligned COI mtDNA data sets for each arthropod species. ### ### ML_trees ### Maximum likelihood trees estimated from Garli. ### ### PCFs ### is the script used in the paper to run all PCF analyses. S_alata_system folder contains the tree files (estimated from *BEAST) used in the PCF analysis. See paper for details. The outgroup and branch length (and width) information were removed from S. alata prior to PCF analysis. ### ### PyMsBayes ### Config and sequence files for PyMsBayes analyses. #Prior centered around 3 dpp_Fin1.cfg, dpp_Fin2.cfg #Prior centered around 6 dpp_Fin3.cfg, dpp_Fin4.cfg #No spiders, prior centered around 3 dpp_Fin5_noSpid.cfg, dpp_Fin6_noSpid.cfg ###