Datasets for NMpi software - Distemonanthus benthamianus. 1st line: 4 numbers corresponding to number of adults (611), number of offspring (depends on dataset), number of loci (12), number of traits of adults (2: dbh and crown dominance) Next lines: data for each individual Column 1: 0 for adult, 1 for progeny Column 2: identifier of individuals Columns 3 and 4: X (longitude) and Y (latitude) coordinates of individuals in meters Column 5: 0 for all individuals because there is no maternaly inherited marker Columns 6 to 29: genotypes at microsatellite markers (-1 = missing value) Columns 30 and 31: - for adults: diameter at breast height and crown dominance (3 categories) which were centered and reduced (0 = missing data) - for offspring: identifier of known mother and father (-1 if unknown, which is always the case for fathers) Column 32: - for adults: femaleness (0.5 for all adults because they are hermaphrodite) - for offspring: 0 if not dispersed (i.e. offspring found below a tree which was confirmed as the mother tree), 1 if dispersed (i.e. cases where the mother is unknown, or sometimes cases where the mother was identified but is not the tree below which the offspring was found). The set of offspring includes successively: - for dataset 1: 345 non-dispersed seeds (for which the overhang tree is genetically compatible as the mother), 190 dispersed seedlings, 19 dispersed seeds reassigned to a mother which is not the overhang tree, 22 dispersed seeds for which the mother was not identified - for dataset 2: 266 non-dispersed seeds (for which the overhang tree is genetically confirmed as the mother), 190 dispersed seedlings, 19 dispersed seeds reassigned to a mother which is not the overhang tree, 22 dispersed seeds for which the mother was not identified - for dataset 3: 278 dispersed seedlings sampled 6 years after logging (seeds and seedlings of datasets 1 and 2 were sampled before logging)