The posted files contain archived data associated with the following manuscript published in Molecular Ecology: Title: The walk is never random: subtle landscape effects shape gene flow in a continuous white-tailed deer population in the Midwestern United States Authors: Robinson, Stacie; Samuel, Michael D; Lopez, Davin; Shelton, Paul Authors are happy to answer any questions and/or collaborate on future research or educational projects that might arise from this dataset. Contact Author: Stacie Robinson or Michael Samuel Contact Author Email: or Note: all files are tab delimited text and may be most easily read if opened in a spreadsheet program so that tabs are aligned in a row-column format. File 1: DeerLandscapeGeneticData.txt This tab-delimited text file contains the spatial and genetic data on which our analysis was based. This file is not specifically formatted for input into analysis – it combines information detailed for the next two files. File 2: DeerGeneticData.txt This tab-delimited text file contains the genetic data on which our analysis was based. The dataset contains genotypes from 14 microsatellites (loci names given in top rows). The data are in 3-digit Genepop format, 000 designates a missing allele. The file is ready for input into sPCA analysis using the code in RCODE-adegenet-spca.txt. File 3: DeerXYData.txt This tab-delimited text file contains the spatial coordinates corresponding to the above genetic data. The file is ready for input into sPCA analysis using the code in RCODE-adegenet-spca.txt. Note – these data have been altered from their original format. In order to protect the identity of private property owners and to avoid interference with state wildlife disease management efforts, the original coordinates have been permuted before publication. Individuals are located to their sample township and township coordinates have been altered by a random transformation. Relative locations and landscape data reference remain unchanged. Because XY coordinates do not match the original, sPCA results may vary from those published. Original sPCA scores are provided with the following file for landscape model input. File 4: DeerPopulationLandscapeData.txt This tab-delimited text file contains the spatial coordinates and landscape data associated with each sample township. The file is ready for input into spatial regression modeling using the code in RCODE-spdep-spatial-regression.txt. Columns in the dataset are defined below: • TownID = name of each sample township • X = coordinate (transformed) • Y= coordinate (transformed) • IDaxis1 = scores on sPCA axis 1 (calculated with an inverse distance spatial weighting matrix) • IDaxis2 = scores on sPCA axis 2 (calculated with an inverse distance spatial weighting matrix) • ECO = ecoregion designation for each township • CAN = average % forest canopy cover in each township • ADJ = average measure of forest patch adjacency in each township • INT = interstate zone designation for each township • HWY = highway zone designation for each township • RIV = river zone designation for each township File 5: RCODE-adegenet-spca.txt This file contains code used to run the sPCA analysis in R using the package adegenet. Annotations to the code are given in lines beginning with #. File 6: RCODE-spdep-spatial-regression.txt This file contains code used to run the spatial regression analysis in R using the package spdep. Annotations to the code are given in lines beginning with #.