The ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II combines sets of objective indoor environmental measurements with accompanying “right-here-right-now” subjective evaluations by occupants from buildings around the world. The database is intended to support diverse inquiries about thermal comfort in field settings. This is the official repository which contains the code used to maintain the Database II from version 2.1 onward. You can download the latest version of the database from the Github repository or Dryad.
This repository contains the source code we used to generate each new version of the dataset. This allows you to track the changes we have implemented. We encourage you to submit an issue if you spot any errors or you would like us to implement some changes. The repository comprises different folders, each containing the source code and data we used to generate a new version of the database.
parameter | description |
building_id |
Unique building identifier [integer] |
building_id_inf |
Flag indicating if unique building identifier was from original data source [no] or inferred [yes] from unique groupings of publication, country, city, season, building type, and cooling type |
contributor |
Principal contact person regarding the data |
publication |
Published paper describing the project from where the data was collected |
region |
Region of field study |
country |
Country of field study |
city |
City of field study |
lat |
Latitude of city [°] |
lon |
Latitude of city [°] |
climate |
Type of climate according to Köppen climate classification |
building_type |
Type of building [office, multifamily housing, classroom, senior center, other] |
cooling_type |
Cooling strategy of building [air conditioned, mixed mode, naturally ventilated] |
year |
Year of field study [yyyy] |
records |
Number of records for that building ID |
has_age |
Flag indicating if there age was recorded [yes, no] and if it was a categorical variable in the original data source [categorical] |
has_ec |
Flag indicating if environmental controls were in the original data source [yes, no] |
has_timestamp |
Flag indicating if measurement timestamp was in the original data source [yes, no] |
timezone |
IANA time zone of field study |
met_source |
Source of meteorological data for t_out and
rh_out [ghcn_d = from GHCN-D,
original_data = from original data source;
rp884 = from RP884 database] |
isd_station |
ISD station code for t_out_isd , rh_out_isd
and t_mot_isd |
isd_distance |
Estimated distance of ISD station to city of field study [km] |
database |
Version of database when data source was added [1, 2, 2.1] |
quality_assurance |
Flag indicating if dataset from contributor passed automated quality assurance check [pass, fail] |
parameter | description |
building_id |
Unique building identifier [integer]. Note: some building IDs are
inferred - see building_id_inf in metadata table |
timestamp |
Timestamp of measurement [yyyy-mm-dd] |
season |
Season measurement was made [summer, winter, hot/wet, cool/dry].
Note: based on the following assumptions when timestamp and location are
known: northern hemisphere latitudes <20 are hot/wet
from May-Oct and cool/dry from Nov-Apr; northern hemisphere
latitudes >=20 are summer May-Oct and
winter from Nov-Apr; vice versa for Southern
Hemisphere |
subject_id |
Unique subject identifier for future studies with repeat samples [integer] |
age |
Age of subject [years]. Note: some studies used age ranges instead
of years - see has_age in metadata table |
gender |
Gender of subject [female, male] |
ht |
Height of subject [m] |
wt |
Weight of subject [kg] |
ta |
Air temperature measured in the occupied zone [°C] |
ta_h |
Air temperature measured at 1.1 m above the floor [°C] |
ta_m |
Air temperature measured at 0.6 m above the floor [°C] |
ta_l |
Air temperature measured at 0.1 m above the floor [°C] |
top |
Operative temperature calculated for the occupied zone [°C] |
tr |
Radiant temperature measured in the occupied zone [°C] |
tg |
Globe temperature measured in the occupied zone [°C] |
tg_h |
Globe temperature measured at 1.1 m above the floor [°C] |
tg_m |
Globe temperature measured at 0.6 m above the floor [°C] |
tg_l |
Globe temperature measured at 0.1 m above the floor [°C] |
rh |
Relative humidity [%] |
vel |
Air speed measured in the occupied zone [m/s] |
vel_h |
Air speed measured at 1.1 m above the floor [m/s] |
vel_m |
Air speed measured at 0.6 m above the floor [m/s] |
vel_l |
Air speed measured at 0.1 m above the floor [m/s] |
vel_r |
Relative air speed used to calculate the PMV [m/s] |
met |
Average metabolic rate of the subject [met] |
clo |
Intrinsic clothing ensemble insulation of the subject [clo] |
clo_d |
Dynamic clothing, used to calculate the PMV [clo] |
activity_10 |
Average metabolic rate of the subject in the last 10 minutes [met] |
activity_20 |
Average metabolic rate of the subject in the last 20 minutes [met] |
activity_30 |
Average metabolic rate of the subject in the last 30 minutes [met] |
activity_60 |
Average metabolic rate of the subject in the last 60 minutes [met] |
thermal_sensation |
Vote on the ASHRAE thermal sensation scale [-3 (cold) to 0 (neutral) +3 (hot)] |
pmv |
Predicted mean vote, calculated in compliance with the ISO 7730 |
pmv_ce |
Predicted mean vote, calculated in compliance with the ASHRAE 55 2020 |
ppd |
Predicted percentage dissatisfied [%] calculated in compliance with the ISO 7730 |
ppd_ce |
Predicted percentage dissatisfied [%] calculated in compliance with the ASHRAE 55 2020 |
set |
Standard effective temperature [°C] |
thermal_acceptability |
Thermal acceptability [acceptable, unacceptable] |
thermal_preference |
Thermal preference [cooler, no change, warmer] |
thermal_comfort |
Thermal comfort [1 (very uncomfortable) to 6 (very comfortable)] |
air_movement_acceptability |
Air movement acceptability [acceptable, unacceptable] |
air_movement_preference |
Air movement preference [less, no change, more] |
blind_curtain |
State of blinds or curtains [0 = open; 1 = closed] |
fan |
State of fan [0 = off, 1 = on] |
window |
State of window [0 = open, 1 = closed] |
door |
State of doors [0 = open, 1 = closed] |
heater |
State of heater [0 = off, 1 = on] |
t_out |
Outdoor air temperature from original dataset [°C] |
rh_out |
Outdoor relative humidity from original dataset [°C] |
t_out_isd |
Average daily outdoor air temperature from ISD [°C] |
rh_out_isd |
Average daily outdoor air temperature from ISD [°C] |
t_mot_isd |
Calculated 7-day running mean outdoor temperature [°C] |
You can contribute to the project by sending us your dataset. Please clean and collate the data into a single .csv file that matches the existing DBII structure outlined. This simple web tool will help error check and format the data. It also has a downloadable .csv template file. Note that this tool reflects the old database format - we will work to update the tool soon.
You can report issues with the database by using this link
This is the first major update to the ASHRAE Global Thermal Comfort Database II since it was published in 2018. In the time since release, it has been used by hundreds of researchers who have found errors and requested new features. This update aims to address some of those while improving operability with other resources. As a result, there are breaking changes.
The major updates to the database are:
There are many other changes included in this update. The full change log is below:
Mechanically ventilated
; and
Mixed (hybrid)
into mixed mode
) to help
error reportingsubject_id
) for future submissions
with repeated measures