***************READ ME*************** ************************************* Information on how to read this data set and how values were calculated. ************************************* ************************************* JAEData.NestHomeCOlonization.csv and >>Column Headings >>>>>Farm: ID number of farm patch (1-9) >>>>>TotalTubesAvaiable: number of tubes available for mason bee use in each nest home >>>>>TubesMudcapped: number of tubes that were capped off with mud at the end of the season, which indicated its use for nesting by mason bees >>>>>TubesParasitized: number of tubes that were used by parasitic wasps; also identified by a hole chewed out in the front of a mudcapped tube >>>>>HomeDamaged: "1" indicated that the nest home was damaged, because it had broken or tubes were dislodged or missing. "0" indicated the nest home was intact. >>>>>freqFilledTubes: proportion of available tubes in a home that were mudcapped; Calculated with the formula "=TotalMudcapped/TotalTubesAvailable" >>>>>freqParasitizedTubes: proportion of mudcapped tubes in a home that were parasitized; Calculated with the formula "=TubesParasitized/TubesMudcapped" >>>>>FarmSize: the area of the farm patch used for this study (in acres) >>>>>NestType: the type of nest home used (Bamboo, Phragmites, Blocks, or Trays) >>>>>NestMaterial: the material of the tubes (Bamboo, Phragmites, or Wood)