##################################### GENERAL: This dataset includes two files; "camera trap data.txt" and "snow cover camera traps.txt". ##################################### "camera trap data.txt" This is a dataset of collected by nine below-snow camera traps (using custom-made Reconyx cameras, described in detail by Soininen et al). Camera traps had a movement sensor, and for each trigger event three images were taken. Only image number one has been scored by observers. Image contents were scored in the program MapViewTM(Reconyx). COLUMN TITLES: "Image_Name": image name as recorded by the camera traps "Location": Camera trap ID "Trigger": identifies images one to three per trigger event "Date": Date "Time": time "Temp_C" temperature degrees Celcius recorded by camera trap "Comment": comments recorded by observers "Bird": number of birds recorded per image "Vole": number of voles recorded by image "Stoat": number of stoats recorded by image "Shrew": number of shrews recorded by image "Shrew_vole": numberof small mammals per image when voles and shrews could not be distinguished from each other "Quality": quality score of image; 0= good qualtiy, 1 = poor quality due to snow or humidity, 2= good quality but no animal seen, 3= poor quality due to sunshine (strong black and white contrast) ##################################### "Snow cover camera traps.txt" Additional data on the snow cover status of the camrea traps. Camera trap status was checked three times, and snow cover/exposure to air recorded every time. COLUMN TITLES: "Trap": Camera trap ID Columns "February 23", "March 16" and "April 18" denote whether the trap in question was exposed to air or covered by snow at these dates. #####################################