date- date invertebrates were sampled season- early or late; early (April/May) or late (July) season exclosure experiment before_after- before or after; were insects sampled before (at initial set-up) or after (when exclosures were removed) experiment? site- unique farm code treatment- E or C; exclosure (E) or control (C) treatment excl_num- 1, 2, or 3; exclosure number for paired treatment plots natenemies- number of invertebrate natural enemies sampled pests- number of invertebrate pests sampled total_inverts- total number of invertebrates sampled variety- strawberry variety of plants within treatment plot dist_noncrop_edge- distance (m) from exclosure to closest noncrop edge fencing_wires- average length (m) of fencing and wires with a 50m radius sampling circle on the farm bird_practices- the total number of bird deterrent practices used on the farm localdiv- standardized index of local diversification practices used on the farm cropdiv_500m- crop diversity within 500m radius of farm Semi_250- proportion of seminatural habitat within a 1km radius, calculated using Gaussian decay rate parameter of 250 Semi_750- proportion of seminatural habitat within a 1km radius, calculated using Gaussian decay rate parameter of 750 Semi_1250- proportion of seminatural habitat within a 1km radius of exclosure, calculated using Gaussian decay rate parameter of 1250 Semi_1km- proportion of seminatural habitat within a 1km radius