Column headings: ID = Animal ID numbers PackNumber= Pack ID numbers Study Area = Out for areas adjacent to APP, APP for inside of APP Coyote Ancestry (Logit) = these are eastern coyote admixture proportions (q scores) from structure analysis at k = 3. They have been logit transformed to meet the assumptions of regression. PrimaryRd = km/km squared of primary roads (see methods for details) in home range of resident animals SecondaryRd = km/km squared of secondary roads (see methods for details) in home range of resident animals TertiaryRd= km/km squared of tertiary roads (see methods for details) in home range of resident animals Deer = proportion of home range comprising deer wintering habitat Moose = mean moose density (#/km squared) across home range of resident animals east = easting metric spatial coordinates (Lambert MNR) of home range centroid north = northing metric spatial coordinates (Lamber MNR) of home range centroid