BatData.csv This file includes details of the numbers of bat passes recorded on both outgoing and return transects Sort = ordering of dataframe O/R = outgoing or return transect Transect = name of transect T_numb = transect number Hab.type = habitat type Hab_km = length of habitat in km TotalDaub = total number of Myotis daubentonii recorded in that transect and habitat type Total45 = total number of Pipistrellus pipistrellus recorded in that transect and habitat type Total55 = total number of Pipistrellus pygmaeus recorded in that transect and habitat type TotalAll = total number of all bat species recorded in that transect and habitat type km_Daub = number of Myotis daubentonii recorded per km in that transect and habitat type km_45 = number of Pipistrellus pipistrellus recorded per km in that transect and habitat type km_55 = number of Pipistrellus pygmaeus recorded per km in that transect and habitat type km_all = number of all bats recorded per km in that transect and habitat type Elevation = elevation in metres