**************************************************************************************************************************** Data used for to fit linear mixed-effect models (package lme4, R v. 3.2.3) to assess the effect of nitrogen addition, warmer temperatures and browsing intensity on Betula glandulosa leaves biomass (Table 2) **************************************************************************************************************************** *Protocol* We conducted factorial manipulations of growing season temperature, soil nitrogen and browsing intensity over 5 years (2009-2013) in a split-plot experimental design (Fig. 1). The design included two levels of nitrogen (with or without nitrogen addition) in primary plots (4 m x 24 m), and two levels of temperature (ambient and warmed) crossed with 3 levels of summer caribou browsing (control: 0%, moderate: 25% and heavy: 75% of available shoots stripped of their leaves) in 1 m x 1 m quadrats in the center of secondary plots (4 m x 4 m). Each combination of treatments (12) was replicated in five exclosures designed to exclude caribou (12 x 26 m with a 1.5 m fence; hereafter refers as blocks) for a total of 60 secondary plots. We harvested the aboveground biomass of B. glandulosa from the central portion of each of the secondary plots at the beginning of the 2014 growing season, after 5 years of experiment. Samples were dried at 70 °C for 72 hours, and weighed to the nearest 0.1 g using an electronic scale (Mettler Toledo SB16000, Mettler-Toledo International Inc., Columbus, OH, USA). We then sorted the biomass of three randomly selected blocks (out of the five available) into woody and leafy biomass; leaves were weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g using an electronic scale (Secura 224 1S, Sartorius AG, Germany) in order to partition the biomass response. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Definitions of column headings* A) block: Blocking factor. Each combination of treatments (12) was replicated in 3 exclosures designed to exclude caribou (12 x 26 m with a 1.5 m fence; hereafter refers as blocks) Value B, C, D B) fertilization: Fertilization treatment level Value: N (with nitrogen addition) or S(without nitrogen addition) C) temperature: Temperature enhancement treatment level Value: H (warmed with open top chambers), L (ambient temperature) D) browsing: Simulation of browsing by caribou treatment level Value:0 (control: 0%), 1 moderate: 25% of available shoots stripped of their leaves) or 3 (heavy: 75% of available shoots stripped of their leaves) E) plot_id: Exclusive ID of each secondary plot Value: Concatenation of block|Fertilization|Temp|Browsing F) individual: ID of individuals within a plot Value: A to V G) Biomass : Biomass of leaves of B. glandulosa from the central portion (1 m x 1 m quadrats) of each of the secondary plots (4 m x 4 m) at the beginning of the 2014 growing season, after 5 years of simulation Value: g H) ext: The mention "ext" flag individual that were rooted out of the plot although clearly physiologically related to those within the plot (layering). I) notes: personal note from the main author