Publication *********** Taberlet P, Zimmermann NE, Englisch T, Tribsch A, Holderegger R, Alvarez N, Niklfeld H, Mirek Z, Moilanen A, Ahlmer RW, Ajmone-Marsan P, Bona E, Bovio M, Choler P, Cie?lak E, Coldea G, Colli L, Cristea V, Dalmas J-P, Frajman B, Garraud L, Gaudeul M, Gielly L, Gutermann W, Jogan N, Kagalo AA, Korbecka G, KŸpfer P, Lequette B, Letz RD, Manel S, Mansion G, Marhold K, Martini F, Negrini R, Ni–o F, Paun O, Pellecchia M, Perico G, Piekos-Mirkowa H, Prosser F, Puscas M, Ronikier M, Scheuerer M, Schneeweiss GM, Schšnswetter P, Schratt-Ehrendorfer L, SchŸpfer F, Selvaggi A, Steinmann K, Thiel-Egenter C, van Loo M, Winkler M, Wohlgemuth T, Wraber T, Gugerli F, IntraBioDiv Consortium 2012. Genetic diversity in widespread species is not congruent with species richness in alpine plant communities. Ecology Letters (in press). Data structure & files ********************* FloristicData HMTdistribution.csv IBDcoordinates.csv GeneticData Alps Aob_Alps.csv Aal_Alps.csv Cba_Alps.csv Cfi_Alps.csv Cse_Alps.csv Cun_Alps.csv Csp_Alps.csv Doc_Alps.csv Gni_Alps.csv Gmo_Alps.csv Gre_Alps.csv Gyr_Alps.csv Hhe_Alps.csv Hal_Alps.csv Hun_Alps.csv Jtr_Alps.csv Lmu_Alps.csv Lpr_Alps.csv Lal_Alps.csv Pos_Alps.csv Pbt_Alps.csv Phm_Alps.csv Ral_Alps.csv Rfe_Alps.csv Sst_Alps.csv Sco_Alps.csv Tal_Alps.csv Carpathians Aal_Carp.csv Cal_Carp.csv Csr_Carp.csv Cfi_Carp.csv Cse_Carp.csv Doc_Carp.csv Fca_Carp.csv Fai_Carp.csv Fve_Carp.csv Gni_Carp.csv Gmo_Carp.csv Gre_Carp.csv Hhe_Carp.csv Hal_Carp.csv Hun_Carp.csv Jtr_Carp.csv Lmu_Carp.csv Lpr_Carp.csv Lal_Carp.csv Pco_Carp.csv Pmi_Carp.csv Ral_Carp.csv Rmy_Carp.csv Sst_Carp.csv Swa_Carp.csv Smo_Carp.csv Sco_Carp.csv Spu_Carp.csv Vba_Carp.csv Data format and description **************************** Species data ++++++++++ HMTdistribution.csv ________________________ Columns 1) HMT_ID - Code according to project-specific list of High-Mountain Taxa 2) TAXON - Species name according to HTM list 3) MT_SYS - Mountain system: A = Alps, C = Carpathians 4) GRID_CELL - Code of grid cell (cf. Gugerli et al. 2008) IBDcoordinates.csv ________________________ Columns 1) GRID_CELL - Code of grid cell (cf. Gugerli et al. 2008) 2) Lon - Longitude of central point within grid cell (decimal degrees North, WGS84) 3) Lat - Latitude of central point within grid cell (decimal degrees East, WGS84) 4) MT_SYS - Mountain system: A = Alps, C = Carpathians 5) USED - included ('A') or not included ('B') in IntraBioDiv analyses Genetic data ++++++++++ - Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) data from three primer/enzyme combinations scored as presence (1) or absence (0) - Individuals in rows - AFLP markers in columns Columns 1) GRID_CELL - Code of grid cell (cf. Gugerli et al. 2008) 2) longitude - Longitude of sampling location (decimal degrees North, WGS84) 3) latitude - Latitude of sampling location (decimal degrees East, WGS84) 4-X) AFLP markers, with X-3 = number of AFLP markers scored in a given species Codes 1 - AFLP marker present 0 - AFLP marker absent NA - Missing data Individual labels: 3 letters for species (see below), three digits for grid cell (cf. Gugerli et al. 2008); 1 digit for individual number within a linear transect (1, 2, 3, 4; X = replicate of plant 1 as blind sample), occasionally 1 letter for electrophoresis run (A = original; B = replicate) Marker labels: 2-3 selective bases for two primers (for details see Gugerli et al. 2008), length in bp (1 decimal) or consecutive number of marker Species codes: Aob - Androsace obtusifolia All. Aal - Arabis alpina L. Cal - Campanula alpina Jacq. Cba - Campanula barbata L. Csr - Campanula serrata (Kit.) Hendrych Cfi - Carex firma Mygind Cse - Carex sempervirens Vill. Cun - Cerastium uniflorum Clairv. Csp - Cirsium spinosissimum (L.) Scop. Doc - Dryas octopetala L. Fca - Festuca carpathica F. Dietr. Fai - Festuca supina (= F. airoides) Schur Fve - Festuca versicolor Tausch s.l. Gni - Gentiana nivalis L. Gmo - Geum montanum L. Gre - Geum reptans L. Gyr - Gypsophila repens L. Hhe - Hedysarum hedysaroides Schinz & Thell. s.l. Hal - Hornungia alpina (L.) Appel s.l. Hun - Hypochaeris uniflora Vill. Jtr - Juncus trifidus L. Lmu - Ligusticum mutellinoides (Cr.) Vill. Lpr - Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv. Lal - Luzula alpinopilosa (Chaix) Breist. Pos - Peucedanum ostruthium (L.) W.D. Koch Pbt - Phyteuma betonicifolium Vill. s.l. Pco - Phyteuma confusum A. Kern. Phm - Phyteuma hemisphaericum L. Pmi - Primula minima L. Ral - Ranunculus alpestris L. s.l. Rfe - Rhododendron ferrugineum L. Rmy - Rhododendron myrthifolium Schott & Kotschy Sst - Saxifraga stellaris L. Swa - Saxifraga wahlenbergii Ball Smo - Sempervivum montanum L. s.l. Sco - Sesleria caerulea (L.) Ard. Spu - Soldanella pusilla Baum. Tal - Trifolium alpinum L. Vba - Veronica baumgartenii Roem. & Schult. Reference: Gugerli F, Englisch T, Niklfeld H, Tribsch A, Mirek Z, Ronikier M, Zimmermann NE, Holderegger R, Taberlet P, IntraBioDiv Consortium 2008. Relationships among levels of biodiversity and the relevance of intraspecific diversity in conservation - a project synopsis. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 10: 259-281.